The terms On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO or search engine optimisation ( optimization ) describes the two different SEO methods web designers use in order to make a website more appealing to search engines like Google. Although they both have their own elements, both of which play a vital role in the placement / ranking of your website within the search results.

On-Page SEO forms the platform for any Off-page SEO Promotion Campaign.

Will On-Page and Off-page SEO make a difference to my Google rankings

Without any doubt, search engine optimisation forms an integral part of the website design process and should therefore not be underestimated. Statistics show that most people do not proceed past the first four pages of results and for that reason, your website needs to be designed, coded and correctly optimised in order to achieve a high ranking in search engines like Google.

On-page (on-site) website SEO

On-Page (On-Site) search engine optimisation is vital because it forms the platform for any Off-Site SEO campaign you may wish to include in order for your website to achieve a high Google ranking. This process involves optimising key areas in order to ensure your website is appealing to search engines.

Our Website On-Page SEO includes:

  • Content Creation
  • Internal Links
  • Page Names
  • Website Structure
  • Meta Description tag
  • Title Bar Configuration
  • Adding Tags to page links
  • Image Alt / Title tags
  • Image Compression

Off-page (off-site) website SEO

The term Off-Page SEO relates to campaigns such as Blogs, Posts, Articles, Link Exchange as well as Social Media such as; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. Ideally in order to achieve the best results, Off-Page SEO needs to be done gradually and should be done in conjunction with On-Page SEO.

Our Website Off-Page SEO includes:

  • Content Adjustment
  • Keyword Analysis
  • Google Sitemap
  • SEO Campaign
  • Link Building
  • AdWords - PPC
  • Broken Link, URL Error Repairs
  • Blogs, Articles, Posts etc
  • Monthly Reports & Feedback

Interested in our web design & SEO services and wish to know more? Then:

At GM Web Designs we offer both On-Page SEO and Off-page SEO services, and only incorporate ethical White Hat SEO techniques to ensure your website ranks high in search engines for your targeted keywords and keep you ahead of your other competitors. We will analyse your website, make suggestions and help formulate an SEO campaign that will increase your websites online visibility. You are not locked into any contracts, you simply pay as you go and at the end of each month we provide you with feedback and a report.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss our website design, search engine optimisation or web hosting services. We look forward to assisting you & providing an affordable and profitable solution to your needs.